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Steam Trap app

Easy to use Steam Trap Survey Management tool

  • Easily create Steam Survey Reports
  • Reports created from phone or tablet
  • Steam Trap location photos
  • Estimated steam loss
  • Estimated cost per steam trap
  • Reports with extensive Steam Trap info

Easily create Steam Trap Survey reports from your mobile device


Download iOS

Download Android

This app lets the user create a steam trap survey report.

Once traps are identified and information is entered, the data can be used to generate a comprehensive Excel report include estimated steam loss, lbs/hour and steam trap location photos (taken with your smartphone or tablet).

This app works with all Ultraprobes manufactured from UE Systems Inc.

Create an extensive report for your Steam Trap Surveys using your phone or tablet

Обзор Спецификаций Steam Trap app

Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
33.7 MB

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